
  • Signs Your Love Life Is Under A Curse

    1. You’re stuck in a cycle of bad dates: You’ve tried online dating, blind dates, and even asked friends to set you up, but it seems like every guy (or gal) you meet is a disaster. Maybe it’s time to break the cycle and try something new.

    2. You attract partners with commitment issues: It’s like you’re a magnet for people who are afraid of commitment or have trust issues. This could be a sign that your energy is attracting the wrong type of partner.

    3. You find yourself in relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable: You’re drawn to someone who is already taken, or they’re not willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work. This might be a sign that your love life is stuck in a rut.

    4. You keep falling for people who are not good for you: You have a pattern of attracting people who are unhealthy, toxic, or simply not compatible with you. This could be a sign that you’re attracted to the idea of love rather than the real thing.

    5. Your love life is filled with drama and conflict: You find yourself constantly arguing with your partner, or your relationships are plagued by power struggles and jealousy. This might be a sign that your love life is under a curse of unrealistic expectations or unhealed emotional wounds.

    6. You’re stuck in a “friend zone”: You’ve developed strong feelings for someone, but they only see you as a friend. This could be a sign that you’re not communicating your feelings effectively or that the other person is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.

    7. You’re constantly seeking validation from others: You’re always seeking external validation from your partner or others to feel loved and worthy. This might be a sign that you’re looking for love in all the wrong places or that you need to work on self-love and self-acceptance.

    8. You’ve been single for an unusually long time: You’ve been single for longer than you’d like, and it feels like the universe is conspiring against you to keep you from finding love. This could be a sign that you need to focus on self-improvement and personal growth before attracting a compatible partner.

    9. You’re afraid to put yourself out there: You’re hesitant to try new things, take risks, or put yourself out there in the dating world. This might be a sign that you’re holding onto fear or anxiety about rejection or failure.

    10. You’ve given up on love: You’ve lost hope in finding true love or believe that it’s impossible for you. This could be a sign that you need to rekindle your spark and focus on what you want from love and relationships.

    If you wish to remove curses, spells or to tell you how your future will be, email me at [email protected]

  • Signs that you are financially cursed.

    1. Constant Unexpected Expenses: You find that you’re frequently hit with surprise bills or expenses, making it difficult to maintain a budget.

    2. Living Paycheck to Paycheck: You struggle to make ends meet, with no savings left over at the end of the month.

    3. Accumulation of Debt: Your debt keeps increasing, whether from credit cards, loans, or other sources, despite your efforts to pay it down.

    4. Poor Financial Habits: You notice a pattern of impulse spending, neglecting bills, or avoiding financial responsibilities.

    5. Inability to Save: Even minor savings goals seem out of reach, and you can’t seem to set aside any money for emergencies or future plans.

    6. Frequent Financial Arguments: If you’re in a partnership, financial issues can lead to frequent disputes and tension.

    7. Credit Score Decline: Your credit score is consistently dropping due to missed payments or high credit utilization.

    8. Job Instability: You experience frequent job changes or layoffs, leading to uncertainty and inconsistent income.

    9. Overwhelming Stress: Financial issues lead to significant anxiety or stress, affecting your mental and physical health.

    10. Neglecting Financial Planning: You avoid looking at your financial situation, creating a cycle of ignorance that compounds the problems.

    If you wish to remove curses, spells or to tell you how your future will be, email me at [email protected]